Radio Shack abandons components

From: James L. Rice <>
Date: Tue Nov 20 07:57:24 2001

I guess I'm lucky, living in Dallas. We have two Fry's, Altex
Electronics, Allied Electronics, Mouser Electronics, Tanner's (a small
family owned component and surplus store, one of the best stocks of
components I've ever seen) and BG Micro, all witin a 30 minute driving
range. i've never thought about having to mail order even the most
basic parts until my friend moved to a small town in Oklahoma, just
south of the Kansas border. He tells me that unless it can be found at
Rat Shack or Wal-Mart, he SOL..


John Lawson wrote:

> I have seen several posts on other fora bemoaning the fact that our
>beloved Radio Shack is rapidly phasing out it's sales of carded
>components, resistors, caps, diodes, etc.
> I imagine this to be the case... and another blow to Enginerds and
>parts-level hobbyists not lucky enough to be near a Fry's or other
>still-functioning small-quantity parts outlet.
> Experimenters: Time to stock up!
> Cheers
Received on Tue Nov 20 2001 - 07:57:24 GMT

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