Radio Shack abandons components
Radio Shack has been slowly diminishing the individual parts and goin for
the glamour sales of consumer electronics mostly anymore. Won't be long and
the days of RS/Lafayette/Olson being in the nearby neighborhood strip malls
for those that want to "do it themselves" will be totally gone.
-> -----Original Message-----
-> From:
-> []On Behalf Of John Lawson
-> Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 5:59 AM
-> To:
-> Subject: Radio Shack abandons components
-> I have seen several posts on other fora bemoaning the fact that our
-> beloved Radio Shack is rapidly phasing out it's sales of carded
-> components, resistors, caps, diodes, etc.
-> I imagine this to be the case... and another blow to Enginerds and
-> parts-level hobbyists not lucky enough to be near a Fry's or other
-> still-functioning small-quantity parts outlet.
-> Experimenters: Time to stock up!
-> Cheers
-> John
Received on Tue Nov 20 2001 - 10:41:14 GMT
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