Radio Shack abandons components

From: James L. Rice <>
Date: Tue Nov 20 13:06:49 2001

Housing cost do vary a lot. My old house, now my ex-wifes house was
about 20 years old, was 2700ft^2 on a large lot about 60 miles from
Dallas, and cost $95k. My current house is 20 minutes from downtown
Dallas on a lake shore, 3300ft^2 on a tiny lot and cost me $242k to
build year before last. But if I was to move farther away I would burn
up the savings on commuting costs.

>> > On the other hand, the cost of living in small-town Oklahoma is one
>> of the
>> > cheapest in the USA. For a concrete example, in my old hometown, a
>> nice
>> > 3750 ft^2 house with a huge property sold for US$70K. This means less
>> > money spent living, more money to spend on classiccmping, and
>> greater ease
>> > in finding room to put all of it.
Received on Tue Nov 20 2001 - 13:06:49 GMT

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