Preserving old literature (was: Re: Tandy 10 Info Wanted)

From: Douglas Quebbeman <>
Date: Fri Nov 23 12:44:37 2001

> Douglas Quebbeman wrote:
> > We don't have them around here, tho... libraries
> > around here are lucky to be able to keep the
> > electricity on...
> Tothwolf wrote:
> > and are very much in need of an overhaul and
> > cleaning (very poor copies).
> I swear, from some of the things you folks say, it
> seems like most of you live in some third world country.

Oh, God, I feel another song coming on...

But instead, yeah, Louisville KY metro area. Third World.
Ten years ago, in a Wendy's, this guy comes in looking
enough like Li'l Abner (plaid shirt, bluejeans w/rolled-
up cuffs and bare feet) that I had to check to make sure
that a Dogpatch musical wasn't playing... it wasn't, this
guy had never heard that you can't enter a restaurant with
bare feet.

Most people with tech skills leave for better opportunities
on the left coast. In the music scene, "The Louisville Sound"
is the sound of a 727 taking our musicians to L.A.

A major local issue is the destruction of roads by steel-
wheeled tractors. They're not just for Amish, you know.

And the cable company will be the only provider of "the
last mile" to my subdivision for at least the next 5 years.
I'm 19473 feet away from my CO, so unless a new technology
gets deployed, I'll be on 56k dialup for the forseeable
future. That ain't smoke signals or talking drums, but it
ain't really high tech anymore, either.

Received on Fri Nov 23 2001 - 12:44:37 GMT

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