Lisa Success.....finally...

From: Dan Cohoe <>
Date: Sat Nov 24 22:31:17 2001

Jeff Hellige wrote:
> >I have what I ...


> > The mouse I have has a more 'square' mouse button as opposed to the long, thin
> >'rectanguar' mouse button sometimes seen with these machines: The mouse
> >is marked:
> >
> >M0100
> >*G442MO10006348*
> Standard Mac 128k/Plus mouse. The main variation would be
> whether it was beige or 'platinum' colored.
> >Also, the mouse connector on the motherboard doesn't mate well with the
> >mouse I have. There are no 'receptacles' to catch the thumbscrews on
> >the mouse, and there ins't the ususal metal 'band' around the D-Sub
> >connector on the motherboard. It's either not supposed to be there, or
> >it acts as a ground and is missing. I suspect this why the mouse
> >doesn't register button clicks but I'm not sure.
> The original Lisa mice seem to have had an oddball clip
> connector. I've not actually seen one though, as I use a Mac Plus
> mouse with mine and my Lisa has the more standard D-sub connector
> with the screw stanchions. On one of my tests, I didn't have my
> mouse mated squarely and it wouldn't move the cursor up or down on
> the screen though it would move it sideways. Tightening the
> right-most screw on the connector solved this problem.
> Jeff
> --

I have an original Lisa mouse here with the "clip style" connector. Its
model A9M0050.
The Mac Plus mouse seems to work for me as well.
Received on Sat Nov 24 2001 - 22:31:17 GMT

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