Lisa Success.....finally...

From: Jeff Hellige <>
Date: Sat Nov 24 22:42:43 2001

>I have my own Lisa problems that you might be able to shed some light
>on. It seems you've spend more time with the machine than I:
>I have what I beleive to be a Mac XL. It might be a Lisa II, but I'm
>not sure what the differences are. The system works well enough to

        I've been messing around with mine some more and put the SCSI
card/drive back into it and created a disk for MacWorks Plus, since
that's what is needed to recognize the SCSI drive. I used my Color
Classic for that. I booted it from various system floppies but was
having some trouble because they were too old of a System
folder/finder, as MacWorks Plus wants System 6. Finally I took an
external hard disk that I've used in the past on my Mac PLUS, and
which I knew had System 6.0.3 on it, and hooked it up to the SCSI
board in the Lisa. It booted off of it just fine! Unfortunately I
still haven't gotten the Lisa's internal SCSI drive to show up yet.
Oddly as well, the Lisa keeps wanting to turn itself on ever few
minutes unless I unplug it.

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Received on Sat Nov 24 2001 - 22:42:43 GMT

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