Video Tape Backup device.... (was: Re: Additional drive and supplemental info.)

From: Frank McConnell <>
Date: Sat Nov 24 22:14:58 2001 wrote:
> I saw one advertized for the Atari 8-bits back in early 80's called the
> "Mirror tape" backup system from iirc Corvus?

Yes. I don't think it was so much for the Atari as it was for the
Corvus hard disks.

> To tell the truth, I never really believed something like this would be
> reliable, but for three grand or more it HAD to be. Right?

I've heard mixed reports, never actually tried to use it myself.

> I'm still trying to wrap my head around how something like that worked.
> Just automate the front panel of a vrc and..... You could do random access
> even. Eeeeeeeeeewwwwwww. Gives me the willies. Especially a 'kit'
> version.....

Go check out US patent 4,380,047. That's the Corvus Mirror patent.

-Frank McConnell
Received on Sat Nov 24 2001 - 22:14:58 GMT

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