RESCUE: DEC hardware for the taking

From: Christian Fandt <>
Date: Sun Nov 25 12:33:27 2001

Greetings those who are interested in older DEC PDP-11 systems!

I must clear out excess gear remaining after The Great Haul From Summer '98.

I've separated pretty much what I will keep, a few others have in their
possession some other items. What remains is listed below. It's been
setting in our garage. I must clear it out ASAP as I need to move the items
that I'm storing in a storage unit into its place. I can't justify anymore
spending of the $$ on that storage unit when I can be using it to pay
towards my bills. Plus, I need to have that mostly antique radio-related
stuff home to work on and perhaps sell/swap.

Additionally, and this is important for you to know, if I cannot find a
home for what DEC gear remains I must regrettably SCRAP it. It cannot stay

Here's the list. See notes below list.

1. PDP-11/24 with two RL02s in short rack, same footprint as an 11/750.
Has RK-11 and UDA-50 boardsets.
2. PDP-11/34A -seems to be older model "A" with early Programmer's Panel.
Early, I think, because it's made of boxy-shaped stamped sheetmetal and not
the thermofoam cast bezels like we usually see. Same electronics though. In
short rack.
2. RK07 in short rack.
4. RK07 in short rack.
5. RA81 in short rack.
6. TS03 Tape system in 6' rack with BA-11 controller chassis & boards.
7. RK07 in short rack. Said to possibly not work.
8. RA60-AA in short rack.
9. A couple of BA-11 chassis.
10. 2 units: Decwriter III (LA120)
11. 1-Decwriter II
12. Two or three RL02s, no rack.
13. RL01-A, no rack.
14. Bunches of tapes. Mostly TS-03 7" reels. Take them all.
15. Bunches of RL01 and RL02 disc paks. Several RK07 paks. Take one, then
all will go with it.
16. 7' tall tape storage rack.
17. Maybe a couple of terminals, VT-100, ADM-3
18. Perhaps some other useful stuff that I uncover.



* As is, where is. Naturally, for a rescue. I simply do not have any
resources to ship this equipment.

* I refer to a 'short rack' as the one which is about 4' tall and rolls
around. Same styling as VAX 11/750 cabinet, etc. as some of you already may
know. I just can't recall the 'H' -part number of these racks right now nor
see the numbers without pulling big piles of stuff out of the way.

** No documentation available. I've kept all that pertains to the gear I'm
keeping; swapped off other items (and lookin' for a few more bits).

** Unknown what the original 11/24 setup was although the RK-11 boardset
inside belies one or more of the RK07 drives possibly being hung off it. In
fact, only the 11/750, which has since found a new home, had any systemic
configuration history that I could figure out from all the various PDP-11
and VAX gear rescued in the original '98 Great Haul -except of course for
the small 11/53, 11/23 and MVII systems which are in my collection now.
Came out of Bradford, PA -a very much rural city even by Jamestown's standards.

** Plan on taking the gear as soon as you can get one or more "Rescue
Brigades" arranged. Find folks who will divide it up with you.

** It all has to be out of the garage as soon as possible. You really
should bring a truck with a liftgate, truck with ramp and a strong
assistant or two, "lowboy" trailer with ramp -or whatever it takes because
I have no loading dock on my garage, of course.

** Price is cheeeep. Just take it all away. Unless, at your option, in
trade you have some bits for my VAX 11/730 that will yield for me a nicely
runable system (mass storage, boot tape, documentation, etc.) or some SCSI
interface boards (QBUS & UNIBUS) or whatever else you think I can use
(small stuff!).

I'm in Western New York State. Jamestown is on Interstate 86 (old NY State
Route 17 Expressway) about 45-50 miles east of Erie, PA. Interstate 90 is
on the western terminus of I-86, near Erie. Figure around 80 miles to here
from the Buffalo city center.

Thanks for helping rescue this DEC equipment!

Best regards, Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA
        Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Sun Nov 25 2001 - 12:33:27 GMT

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