After much searching (and missing two that went for auction when I was
on vacation), a Hayes Chronograph has finally fallen into my waiting
hands. Turns out one of the people I was camping with when I was
on vacation had one in the basement that he just gave me. He picked it
up 7 years ago for $10 at a Hamfest. I had to resolder the AC jack
and it now works great!
I was contemplating writing a Perl module to front-end it (and hide
the AT syntax for setting/reading it). I was curious if anyone had
any suggestions about where it belongs on CPAN (since I was planning
on giving the code away). I wasn't sure if it belonged in the "Time"
branch or if there were a more appropriate branch for device "drivers"
in Perl. I was contemplating an approach were you create a Chronograph
"object" and have it set the time to either now or a given time and
return the time in text or seconds-since-the-epoch format. A Perl
module would also give me a place to document the command syntax for
the future - currently the only thing I've seen is a single CP/M
program in assembler and the scanned docs on a classiccmp member's site
(Thanks muchly, Rich!).
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Received on Mon Nov 26 2001 - 14:42:07 GMT