Whittling down my collection... <sniff>

From: Roger Merchberger <zmerch_at_30below.com>
Date: Thu Nov 29 08:43:04 2001

Well, folks -- I'm waiting for word on a new house (well, an *old* new
house - it was built somewhere around the turn of the last century) and I
*seriously* need to whittle down my collection...

I know I don't have time to skidingle with most of what I have, and I don't
have time to meticulously catalog & ship everything myself, so everything
that I'm getting rid of is mainly for the cost of professional packing &
shipping... and maybe a buck or few, if the garage sale [car boot sale]
tags are still on my "rescued" items...

This is how it's going to work: I'm cleaning my basement out a little at a
time, so there will only be a few things per post.

For the first 24 hours after my post, if more than 1 person is really
interested in the equipment, I'll random-number generate the winner, this
is to give those with slower internet connections an equal chance of
getting "da goods" -- after 24 hours, it's first come, first serve. If I
get no responses in 1 week, it hits the dumpster. [sorry, but I have no
choice -- no room in the "new" digs]

I've already given away my Timex Sinclair 1000 stuff to my realtor (now,
that was Kismet! ;-) and my coleco Adam stuff to my renter, (in the same
day, no less!!! ;-) so they've got good homes.

I'm also getting rid of my 8-bit Atari stuff, all my Commodore stuff, my TI
99/4a stuff, anything IBM compatible stuff, all my CP/M stuff ( I have 2
superbrains & 2 Heath/Zenith Z100's) ATLGO [and the list goes on...] Std.
Disclaimer -- all stuff is sold as-is, no warranty...

I am keeping all of my non-IBM compat. Tandy stuff, my Atari 16-bit stuff,
my HP64000 (of course!) and my VAXen, and certain other tidbits, so I still
have my work cut out for me... :-)

Today, this is what I have:

An external Wangtek 525Meg SCSI-1 tape drive [dunno if it's ezactly 10
years old, but it's durned close!] and 25 cartridges (and 2 empty cases) in
"last known working" condition - I had it hooked up 3 or 4 years ago, and
worked fine -- but no guarantees beyond that.

Yours for the cost of packing & shipping. I'm having a hell of a time
finding enough boxes for the stuff I'm keeping -- everything to go out is
getting packed at the pack-n-ship place right next door to my business.
"Let the experts deal with it... ;-)" And beware - they have to surcharge
UPS/FedEx to keep the lights & heat on (and it's snowing here in Northern
Michigan) so if you go to UPS/FedEx's website and say "you're overcharging
me on shipping" I'll scan in the receipts for you & put them on a webpage
for your perusal... ;-)

I have no quibbles about shipping internationally... if you're willing to
pay the price! (Well, if you live 30 minutes or less from Sault Ste. Marie
Michigan, USA/Ontario, Canada, I'll deliver it personally... ;-) If
anyone's willing to pick-up, that's always an option, as well -- quickie
directions: Take I-75 north until you hit the US/Canadian border - there I am.

If you're interested, email me with your zip code, and I'll go over to the
pack-n-ship place, have it packed & find out the shipping cost...

Thanks, and hopefully the dumpster won't get too much business from me...

Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an *older* .sig.
(circa 1997!) Why does Hershey's put nutritional information on
their candy bar wrappers when there's no nutritional value within?
Received on Thu Nov 29 2001 - 08:43:04 GMT

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