A couple of years ago, she dated Charles Simonyi, chief software architect
of Microsoft and former Xerox PARC scientist who wrote the first WYSIWYG
word processor. Maybe that's where she gets it.
Michael Nadeau
Editorial Services
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chad Fernandez" <fernande_at_internet1.net>
To: <classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: Martha Stewart
> That's kind of weird, I wouldn't have thought Martha Stewart would even
> consider computers to be in her realm of influence.
> I've actually though of painting a computer using Martha Stewartish
> techniques...... like stamping or rag rolling or maybe some of that
> stone fleck stuff. I haven't done it yet, Though. It will still be a
> functioning computer, just a little more creative.
> Chad Fernandez
> Michigan, USA
> Russ Blakeman wrote:
> >
> > Surprised she didn't preach using them as decorative items - a "good
> >
> > ->
> > -> Martha Stewart had a short radio column today
> > -> where She actually preached the ethics of classiccmpers.
> > -> That is, what do you do with old computers? Number 1
> > -> was don't toss it (yes), until you check with your local schools,
> > -> even if you are sure it is obsolete (yes), if you can't place
> > -> it this way, she continues by mentioning that some people
> > -> actually collect them as vintage (yes), and then brings up
> > -> eBay as a sort of last resort (sorry).
> > ->
> > -> Good press that we all need.
> > ->
> > -> John A.
> > -> Project Greenkeys.
> > ->
> > ->
Received on Thu Nov 29 2001 - 11:14:02 GMT
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