Scrapping hardware to get it off the books (RE: Is it a Lisa or Mac XL?!)

From: Douglas Quebbeman <>
Date: Thu Nov 29 13:26:11 2001

> When supposedly scrapped S/Ns began appearing on the used market,
> as I was told, DEC learned of the scheme, and, without telling the
> bidding scrappers, installed a chipper to convert the material
> to pieces no larger than about 5cm on a side, steel racks included.
> I heard the next scrapper was most surprised when he big on a load of
> scrap that really was a load of scrap.

This brings me to a question that's probably been discussed
here; I just recently found the local computer recycling firm.
I was luck enought to pull two late-model Apple //e's from a
cardboard box sitting in front of the business during the
Thanksgiving holiday. Also two Apple 5.25 inch flopppies,
a 130MB Seagate IDE drive, a 550MB (?) Seagate IDE drive, and
a rather nice late-model compact IBM keyboard (has Windows key).

But the firm had some interesting stuff in the fenced-in yard.

Should I even bother going back and asking to see the stuff
in the yard? Or, has this firm agreed not to resell anything
(I'm kinda assuming that what's true for this guy is industry

Received on Thu Nov 29 2001 - 13:26:11 GMT

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