Scrapping hardware to get it off the books (RE: Is it a Lisa or Mac XL?!)

From: Chris <>
Date: Thu Nov 29 14:14:35 2001

>Should I even bother going back and asking to see the stuff
>in the yard? Or, has this firm agreed not to resell anything
>(I'm kinda assuming that what's true for this guy is industry

I don't know the laws, but why shouldn't a scapper be allowed to sell the
stuff in working condition? They are in the scrap business, and I would
think once it is theirs, they should be allowed to sell it however they
want (pulverize and sell as land fill, or repair and sell as working).

Is there some law against selling the stuff in working condition?


Received on Thu Nov 29 2001 - 14:14:35 GMT

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