Adobe Loss in California District Court, Good News for ClassicCmp rs

From: Douglas Quebbeman <>
Date: Thu Nov 29 13:06:33 2001

I'm not sure how many of you have seen this yet, but
Adobe has lost a suit regarding the transferrability
of software licenses. The court has rules that even
if the wording of a license specifically prohibits
the resale of the software by the original buyer to
a new owner, the original owner is within their rights
in doing so.

Of course, without a doubt, Adobe will likely appeal
this at least as far as the California Supreme Court.
We can only hope they'll lose there as well.

Should this ultimately hold true, much old classic
software for our classic computers will be available
from old licensees who no longer need the licenses.

Some license holders may still not feel comfortable
with this, fearing some potential liability. But it
still sounds good for us collectors.

For those of you who own firms who license software
to clients, I hope you can look beyond the tiny loss
of revenue this might possibily represent.

Received on Thu Nov 29 2001 - 13:06:33 GMT

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