Scrapping hardware to get it off the books (RE: Is it a Lisa or Mac XL?!)

From: <(>
Date: Thu Nov 29 20:50:20 2001

In a message dated 11/29/01 2:39:57 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> My only concern is that I might get asked "are you the guy in
> the red Audi who was diggint through my stuff?"

I don't think you have to worry about a few Apples. They are more plastic
than scrap. Apple II breakage is worth about 6 cents per pound

In one warehouse we rented in NW Portland over a decade ago we used to roll
out pallets of valueless stuff (filmstrip projectors, school electronics, old
terminals not worth taking apart) and leave it on the sidewalk overnight. We
would then go up several floors and watch people go by, screech to a halt and
fill their cars with as much as they could cram in. We had a great time
watching and it cut our garbage bill in half.

Valuable stuff doesn't get left outside. Go ask. You will be rewarded with
surprises. Let us know what you find.

If you are interested in purchasing some of his scrap, offer him twice the
scrap value. If you or anyone on the list needs help establishing scrap
values please contact me offline.

Astoria, OR
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