My Vaxstation 4000/60 was owned by Intel. Allways thought that was funny.
on 11/01/01
at 01:20 PM, David Woyciesjes <> said:
>Here's some ammo for the anti-Intel folks...
>--- David A Woyciesjes
>--- C & IS Support Specialist
>--- Yale University Press
>--- (203) 432-0953
>--- ICQ # - 905818
>! -----Original Message-----
>! From: Grant Bechler []
>! Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 12:35 PM
>! To: AlphaNT Mailing List
>! Subject: [alphant] Intel's dependent on the Alpha chip (From the !
>! Howdy All,
>! I thought that Aaron would get a kick out of this article
>! "WE WONDERED WHY DOUG BUSCH, the IT manager at Intel, went ! all coy
>on us
>! yesterday when we asked about the systems running in its factories !
>(fabrication plants) and a little bit of investigation has ! revealed
>! answer.
>! Its fabs are heavily dependent on Alpha microprocessors and ! run
>OpenVMS to
>! ensure that blue screens of death or glitches in its own
>! chips don't bring
>! the production lines down..."
Jeffrey S. Worley
Asheville, NC USA
Received on Thu Nov 01 2001 - 13:35:28 GMT