value of classic DEC machines?

From: M H Stein <>
Date: Thu Nov 1 15:01:05 2001

Whoa! 50 bucks, and three years ago?!? Put it in the price guide!

That means my copy of Ahl's MORE Basic Computer Games has got to be
worth at least $100...

I'm outta here & off to check into eBay, but before I go, 'cause I like
you guys I'll offer it here first at $49.95; 84 (Count 'em!) FABULOUS
games for your personal computer! Start haggling <g>

Speaking of you guys, just curious: is this an all-male hobby? No
members of the fairer sex here?

And Ethan, ain't heard back from you; you want these AIM manuals or what?


--------------Original Message-------------

Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 22:26:44 -0800 (PST)
From: Ethan Dicks <>
Subject: Re: value of classic DEC machines?

I heard that three years ago when I tried to haggle for a copy of David
Ahl's BASIC Games book at the Dayton Hamvention. They guy said "I can get
$50 for it..." I asked him if he could, what he was doing at Dayton and
why didn't he just sell it on eBay in the first place.

Needless to say, the negotiations did not proceed smoothly. ;-)

- -ethan
Received on Thu Nov 01 2001 - 15:01:05 GMT

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