OT: IE 5.5 SP2 "Always ask before opening this type of file" is

From: jpero_at_sympatico.ca <(jpero_at_sympatico.ca)>
Date: Thu Nov 1 16:51:36 2001


I need it enabled again. Long google search met w/ little success.

I prefer to download stuff at my choosing to different folders when
downloading stuff. zip, exe, everything.

Now I see why many curse the MS's stuff and this IE
colorfully referred as IExploder! :-)

Is there's reliable web brower aka (IE) but likes of Nutscape (4.72)
that doesn't blow up at every turn?

I'll try the kmeleon based on 0.9.5 mozilla. Amazingingly tiny.


Received on Thu Nov 01 2001 - 16:51:36 GMT

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