From: Chad Fernandez <fernande_at_internet1.net>
Date: Fri Nov 2 01:45:53 2001

re-read what he said..... he isn't loosing the configuration, it justs
wants attention. I have had this happen before too. I just change
things until it stops :-) I think something gets crossed up when
changing things around too much, and it asks for F1 to be pressed. You
can start over from scratch by pulling the battery..... I have had to do
that once or twice when I really screwed things up, to the point that it
hung while the bios was loading :-)

Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA

Mike Ford wrote:
> >Hmmm, that reminds me:
> >
> >I have an EISA Compaq 486sx at a client site from which I had to remove
> >an add-on internal modem; ran the diagnostic/configuration program, it
> >says everything's fine, but when it boots it stops waiting for F1 saying
> >the configuration's incorrect. Press F1 to continue & everything works,
> > just a nuisance 'cause it can't restart after a power failure without
> >someone there to press F1.
> >Any ideas?
> Check the cmos battery.
Received on Fri Nov 02 2001 - 01:45:53 GMT

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