> > > Most minis -- PDP8, PDP11, P800 series, etc (it's very rare to find a
>> > disk drive that mounts in the CPU box on such machines, although it may
>> > share a rack with the CPU)
>> If you extend the definition of PDP-8 and PDP-11 to include DECMateIIs,
>> and DECmate IIIs, then you've got the 5.25" floppy in the box. Same
>I've never really thought of DECMates, PROs, etc as minis. For all they
>have the same instruction set as the PDP8 and PDP11 respectively.
>> goes for BA-23 and BA-213-based PDP-11s (the MicroPDP line) - RX50
>> right there. For OMNIBUS and UNIBUS boxes, though, you are correct.
>On the other hand, I must be going senile. I'd totally forgotten about
>the BA23, etc. I think I have to consider the MicroPDPs and MicroVAXen as
>minis. I could probably concoct a defintion where they were not, but that
>would be cheating.
I've often wondered about the blurring of those very lines
with those groups of machines. The DECmate's, PROs, MicroPDP's, and
MicroVAXen all belong to family groups that include full blown mini's
yet each group has a large variety of machines of various sizes that
may still use the same CPU, such as the PRO's and MicroPDP's. At
what point is it no longer a mini and just a micro based on a mini?
Mini's or not though, if it weren't for the small size of the above
machines I wouldn't be able to have members of the PDP-8, PDP-11 and
VAX families, of which I have one of each.
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