UberTechnoid_at_home.com wrote:
> Get an Atari drive instead. The interface of the C= drives is probably
> just as well documented, but the drives were BUTT SLOW. The Atari drives
> were factors faster.
Commodore 1541 type drive are serial and have a tremendous
amount of handshaking to the interface. It's just a matter
of writting new interface routines. I've been able to transfer
one byte across the interface in about 50 clock cycles (loading
a 50K file in 12 to 13 seconds).
UberTechnoid_at_home.com wrote:
> I thought they used a 6507 or 6510 processor...
The C64 uses a 6510 which is a 6502 with a built in 6 bit
I/O port and DMA. The 1541 uses a 6502.
UberTechnoid_at_home.com wrote:
> Other machines that used 'smart' floppy drives might be the Adam and
> Aquarius. I never saw a drive for the Aquarius, but there was supposed to
> be one. The COCO and Ti99 had parallel buss drive interfaces as did the
> Apple (sorta).
I had a Aquarius disk drive at one time. It used those tiny diskettes
that are smaller than the Compact floppies used on the Amstrad. I traded
the Aquarius drive to someone in Australia that had a pile of Aquarius
disks and no drive. I traded for a stack of Aquarius docs and a board
that allows me to use 1541s with my Aquarius.
Doug Coward
_at_ home in Poulsbo, WA
Analog Computer Online Museum and History Center
Received on Sat Nov 03 2001 - 17:56:50 GMT