Rubber Restorer...

From: Bryan Pope <>
Date: Mon Nov 5 13:33:20 2001

> Rumor has it that Bryan Pope may have mentioned these words:
> >Does anyone know where I can get "Rubber Restorer"? I know it comes in a
> >spray.
> >
> >I thought I had bought it before at Radio Shack, but they didn't have any or
> >a clue.
> Not sure what kind of rubber you're trying to restore, but if it's printer

The printer rollers that initialy grab a sheet of paper and drag it in.

> rollers you're trying to "re-stickify" what works good for me is "Marvel
> Mystery Oil." Put some on a t-shirt rag and hit all the rollers in your

Where does one find "Marvel Mystery Oil"? Does this stuff leave any residue?

> inkjet or laser printer - I've "refurbished" several printers this way,
> some more than once.


Received on Mon Nov 05 2001 - 13:33:20 GMT

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