You can use PKzip. The command to span multiple volumes, recurse subdirs,
and compress maximally is (example for directory FOO):
Pkzip -rex&fu foo
This will take a directory, it's files, and all it's subdirs into file foo
on a:. Pkzip will prompt you for additional floppys as required.
In <>, on
at 09:11 AM, One Without Reason <> said:
>You could always UUENCODE, split, and copy over with multiple floppies.
>Peace... Sridhar
>On Sun, 4 Nov 2001, Cameron Kaiser wrote:
>> Now that I have my utility 486 up and running with a PC 5.25" drive, there
>> are some projects to be commenced.
>> One of them is to get King's Quest transferred over to the PCjr, since KQ1
>> only plays music through the PCjr. (Or so they say.) PC Gamer published
>> the original KQ1 on one of their cover discs about a year ago, which I have,
>> and was able to unpack it and it's sitting on the utility 486.
>> The problem is that the total size of the files is ~400K, and I'm willing
>> to bet that the PCjr's floppy does not support HD 5.25" (right now I'm
>> about 100 miles away from it, or else I'd test it :-). If it does do HD
>> floppies, that solves the entire problem.
>> Assuming it does not, what is the layout of files on the various KQ floppies?
>> Can someone list the files on their KQ1 disk(s)?
>> --
>> ----------------------------- personal page: --
>> Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University *
>> -- Let us live! Let us love! Let us share our darkest secrets! ... you first. -
Jeffrey S. Worley
Asheville, NC USA
Received on Mon Nov 05 2001 - 13:36:08 GMT