Rubber Restorer...

From: Russ Blakeman <>
Date: Mon Nov 5 14:09:23 2001

Just don't do it to the rubber roller just under the drum unit on a laser
printer or copier as this is the transfer roller and it will ruin both the
roller and the drum. Mystery Oil is a good fix but I'm not really sure of
it's long term effect on the rubber.

MCM Electronics (maybe even places like DigiKey, Mouser, etc) sell rubber
rejuvenator, but many have shipping restrictions due to the hazards to the
user or in shipment.

-> -----Original Message-----
-> From:
-> Roger Merchberger
-> Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 1:02 PM
-> To:
-> Subject: Re: Rubber Restorer...
-> Rumor has it that Bryan Pope may have mentioned these words:
-> >Does anyone know where I can get "Rubber Restorer"? I know it
-> comes in a
-> >spray.
-> >
-> >I thought I had bought it before at Radio Shack, but they
-> didn't have any or
-> >a clue.
-> Not sure what kind of rubber you're trying to restore, but if
-> it's printer
-> rollers you're trying to "re-stickify" what works good for me is "Marvel
-> Mystery Oil." Put some on a t-shirt rag and hit all the rollers in your
-> inkjet or laser printer - I've "refurbished" several printers this way,
-> some more than once.
-> HTH,
-> Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Received on Mon Nov 05 2001 - 14:09:23 GMT

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