Zenith Data Systems Z-386 SX/20 Free in NJ

From: Chris <mythtech_at_Mac.com>
Date: Tue Nov 6 10:12:32 2001

If anyone wants it, I have a Zenith Data Systems Z-386 SX/20 available
for free in Ridgewood, New Jersey. You have to come pick it up (or offer
me enough to make it worth my time to pack it for shipping).

It appears to work just fine. It is missing one of the two 3.5" drive
slot covers. It is currently configured with a 40mb HD, a 360k 5.25"
floppy, 2mb of RAM, and CGA video.

I can't figure out how to change the setup, so it is useless to me (if I
can't at least get it to accept a 3.5" drive, I can't use it).

It is up for grabs, but like I said, I don't want to take the time to
pack it up unless I am getting money or something good in trade. It can
be picked up in Ridgewood, NJ (North East NJ). I am only going to keep it
for a day or two to see if it gets claimed, after that, there won't be
enough left of it to claim. I can store it longer for someone as long as
you tell me roughly when you will pick it up.


Received on Tue Nov 06 2001 - 10:12:32 GMT

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