Can't be any worse than the potassium dichromate I used for 2 yrs in silk
screen making in the mid 70's and came home with dark yellow (jaundiced look
to them) hands. Had all the goodies in my sets too but that was a day when
parents supervised without you knowing you were supervised, unlike our
present day hand-holding way of teaching new things. I had a pirahna in my
aquarium, dad said don't mess with it. Got a chunk of skin ripped off of my
index finger by not listening - learned to listen from them on, at least
about pirahnas. Now you can't even have them in most places (I have a
mother-in-law I'd love to have play with about a swimming pool of them)
-> -----Original Message-----
-> From:
-> []On Behalf Of Eric Dittman
-> Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 1:54 PM
-> To:
-> Subject: Re: Rubber Restorer...
-> > >I wonder if children's chemistry sets still come with all the
-> > >interesting chemicals?
-> >
-> > Nope, no potassium perchlorate, potassium nitrate, but plenty of sodium
-> > laurel sulfate.
-> No iodine crystals, either, I take it?
-> NB: If you don't know what you could do with these you probably
-> had a much
-> safer childhood.
-> --
-> Eric Dittman
-> Check out the DEC Enthusiasts Club at
Received on Tue Nov 06 2001 - 16:21:54 GMT