The unit with which I've had this experience is a IIe with a dual drive box sitting on top of it as shown in an illustration in one of the doc's I've got. The monitor is a color monitor, but not a ///.
I complained about this problem at a meeting of the guru's who survived the Apple era some weeks back and was assured that this was common and could easily be avoided with them measures I previously described.
I'm not going to have a large enough sample to draw meaningful conclusions, but I was reassured that it was an easily avoidable occurrence by simply opening up the drives when the monitor is powered down, and haven't given it much thought since then until it came up in this context.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: Stacking Apple ][ stuff
In a message dated 11/6/2001 3:23:39 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
On Mon, 5 Nov 2001, Richard Erlacher wrote:
> The monitor seems to interact with the drives when the monitor is
> turned on. It depends, I suppose, on the monitor, but I've got the
> IIe with the dual drive box between it and the color monitor and from
> time to time, e.g. when I turn on the monitor while the computer has
> been powered up but the monitor has been powered down, e.g. when I go
> upstairs to get a sandwich or answer the doorbell, the drive runs up
> and the diskette is partially unreadable afterward.
Didn't you just get finished telling us in the last 10 messages on this
topic that you threw out all your Apple ]'s???
hmmm, back in 1984 some of the apple //e's at skool had two disk drives, and those of us who copied warez made sure to get those for quick disk copying. (ahh, memories of disk muncher 1.1 -----) The monitor //e sat right on top of the two disk ]['s and never a problem. Some of them also had the monitor /// that sat on top of the //e and drives and never a problem. I also used, and always wished for one of those //e 'professional' systems; the enhanced //e, duodisk and colour display for the //e. The one I used never had a problem either. I know there is some kind of problem relating to the duodisk and disks getting trashed (anyone know details?) but nothing ever related to the display.
clearing the HYPE about bioterrorism
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