Available For Trade - Tandon 8" Floppy Drive - Model TM848E

From: Info from LSI <dec.parts_at_verizon.net>
Date: Tue Nov 6 23:44:31 2001

Have available ...

   Tandon 8" Floppy Drive - Model TM848E



We removed this from the machine it was in, so we know it
has never been handled roughly. We haven't tested it though,
just hadn't gotten around to it. Since we know most of you
hobbyist/collector types don't want to pay much for anything,
and since http://www.cadigital.com/flopdriv.htm prices them
at $149.00 and up, if anybody wants it, suggest something of
value you'd have to trade for it.
Received on Tue Nov 06 2001 - 23:44:31 GMT

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