More Apple Pimpers

From: Douglas Quebbeman <>
Date: Wed Nov 7 07:20:19 2001

> Forgive us our CPU. We know not what we do.
> It wasn't clear to me in your original post that you were
> referring to the Apple II diskette drive, but I understand
> now. And yeah - the IWM (Incredible Woz Machine) diskette
> controller WAS fairly sensitive. I never owned an Apple II,
> but heard about them.


Macs up through at least the MacPlus have a single-chip
implemntation of the IWM that they used for both the
never-shipped Twiggy drives (never shipped in Macs) and
the later 400k/800k 3.5" floppies.

Just FYI...

Received on Wed Nov 07 2001 - 07:20:19 GMT

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