Classic Gaming Collections

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Wed Nov 7 13:24:53 2001

--- Jeff Hellige <> wrote:
> >Glad I got everyone's attention but no one else seems to be listing what
> >gaming items they have which was the original question asked.
> Well if it's a list you want, here's what I have:
> - Magnavox Odyssey^2
> - Atari Lynx II
> - Radio Shack TV Scoreboard

I _used_ to have more of this stuff when I was a kid, but four boys in
a house are not easy on consumer electronics... (we played a Tank game
to death - first breaking the joysticks (which i fixed as a kid), then
wearing out the fire buttons (which I also replaced), and finally
killing the electronics. Wish I could find another one of those.

I currently have only a few things of this nature:

  - Magnavox Odessey 1 (and a box of parts - my original one died when I
                        was a teenager and was summarily stripped)

  - Atari Lynx (not sure I or II, but I have a couple and at least two
                copies of Xenophobe for linked play)

  - RCA Studio II (and 4 carts I just got at the Dayton ComputerFest)

No Atari 2600 or Coleco or any of the other cool stuff from the old
days. 8-bit Ninetendo and Sega Genesis and the like are too new to
be interesting.

The cool part about what I do have is that each one is special in its
own way - the Magnavox, as most of you probably know, is analog. The
Lynx is an early color hand-held, created by former Amiga guys, and is
6502-based (one of my favorite processors). The Studio-II has an 1802
inside, one of my other favorite processors. I've heard of a home-computer
kit for the Studio II and someone (perhaps on this list) promised to
send me copies of the info, but it's never materialized.


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Received on Wed Nov 07 2001 - 13:24:53 GMT

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