Cromemco landmarks

From: M H Stein <>
Date: Thu Nov 8 05:43:51 2001

Speaking of Cromemco, did you know (according to their literature) that
aside from naming the S-100 bus, they also developed:

-The first Z-80 micro
-The first multi-user micro
-The first Unix-like OS for a micro (Cromix)
-The first micro with a Winchester HD
-The first complete system with 16M/50MHD for <$50,000
-The first micro color graphics system
-The first micro addressing memory >64K
-The first micro with IBM RJE communication
-The first intelligent micro I/O interfaces with a CPU on I/O card
-The first micro implementation of I/O channel processors
-The first micro to boot from ROM without front panel switches
-The first self-programming EPROM card
-The first micro with error-correcting memory
-The first graphics system with hardware stenciling (whatever that is)
-The first micro graphics system capable of sync'ing to a TV broadcast
-The first micro with integrated floppy disks

And that in 1987 an XXU equipped system was almost twice as fast as a
VAX 11/780, which cost over four times as much as the largest Cromemco
system at the time.
Received on Thu Nov 08 2001 - 05:43:51 GMT

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