hard-sector 5 1/4 disk

From: Jeff Hellige <jhellige_at_earthlink.net>
Date: Thu Nov 8 12:31:37 2001

>I don't think I'll ever get my dream car. A Bugatti EB16/4.

        Nice choice...I'll likely never aquire mine either since all
surviving examples are still owned by the manufacturer...1955
Mercedes 300SLR.

        BTW, a bit more on-topic...I had to provide phone support for
rather an odd setup today. Years ago someone wanted to connect a
Laserwriter printer to an ethernet connection. The connection from
the Mac then went like this:

        Mac -> Asante SCSI to ethernet adapter -> Farallon Etherwave
ethernet to Localtalk adapter -> Laserwriter

        This worked fine for the last 6 years and then the other day
their IT guys, who don't know anything about Mac's, came in and
plugged a LAN drop up to the ethernet connector on the mainboard.
This worked great for connecting to their LAN but caused the
Laserwriter, which is the only thing on the little adapter chain, to
disappear. In the end, moving the LAN drop from the onboard ethernet
port to the 2nd port on the Etherwave solved all the problems and
allowed all the connections to function. Now if I had been there
physically, I likely would have removed the adapter chain and
connected the Laserwriter to the Mac directly with the Localtalk
ports but I wasn't going to try and walk someone through a
reconfigure like that over the phone. She was just happy to be able
to print again.

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Received on Thu Nov 08 2001 - 12:31:37 GMT

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