8 inch floppy drives

From: Iggy Drougge <optimus_at_canit.se>
Date: Thu Nov 8 12:29:08 2001

Curt Vendel skrev:

>You can get PAL to work on NTSC, but I don't think you can do it in reverse
>since the PAL chips don't have the bandwidth for the extra resolution. You
>could get an NTSC console and if you play around a lot with the vertical
>hold on the TV's and such you can stablize it and use it on a PAL tv and use
>all NTSC carts.

The 2600 must be quite singular if it achieves higher resolutions in NTSC than
PAL. After all, on a hardware level, PAL is more high-resoluting (650 lines as
opposed to 525?), whereas NTSC has a higher refresh rate.

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