Classic Gaming Collections

From: Iggy Drougge <>
Date: Thu Nov 8 13:46:17 2001

John R. Keys Jr. skrev:

>Glad I got everyone's attention but no one else seems to be listing what
>gaming items they have which was the original question asked. Mine's was
>a start not a complete listing as half of my collection is down in Texas
>and it very hard get a count right now. I was down there last week but
>ended up buying more items than I counted at the warehouses.

NES, Master Systems 1 and 2, 2600, 2600 Jr, 2600 Jr clone, various PC5 pong
consoles, Mega Drive, Mega Drive clone, Philips G7000, INTV 3. I think that's
it. Oh, and I managed to destroy a SNES a few weeks ago. Stupid Nintendo, why
couldn't they use normal screws?

On the wish list: PC Engine, Amstrad GX4000 (has anyone got one of those?),
Neo Geo

En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
Idealismus ist die F?higkeit, die Menschen so zu sehen, wie sie sein k?nnten,
wenn sie nicht so w?ren, wie sie sind.
--- Curt Goetz
Received on Thu Nov 08 2001 - 13:46:17 GMT

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