hard-sector 5 1/4 disk

From: Richard Erlacher <edick_at_idcomm.com>
Date: Thu Nov 8 15:40:50 2001

My point was that Sellam wasn't old enough to be earning his living with the
Apple ][ back in the very early '80's. I'm sure Sellam has played with his
Apples enough to know a great deal about them by now, but the sorts of remarks
he's made just don't line up with the magazine articles about those very issues
that were published back in the '80's. People had problems with the Apple][
disk subsystem, but not terrible ones. However, it's stretching things a bit to
suggest they were as dependable as the 8" units we used with CP/M boxes day in
and day out.

The guys on whose experience I've relied for guidance with respect to the issues
surrounding use of the Apple][ did earn their living with the Apple, among other
systems, and of those who were Apple "heavies" I listened more to the ones who
were able to make the payments on late model German cars more that I listened to
the guys who were still driving the '67 Chevy their Dad had given them when they
graduated from high school.

For me, a car isn't something I dream about. I just gave my Maxima to my son,
who drives a lot more than I do, and I'm driving a Chevy that's old but has <50K
miles on it in spite of its 14 years. Of course I only drive about 2500 miles a
year since I live pretty close to everywhere I want to go.

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Allain" <allain_at_panix.com>
To: <classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: hard-sector 5 1/4 disk

> RickE said:
> > Unlike you, Sellam, some folks actually did useful work ... I
> > knew what kinds of cars and houses their work provided them
> > back then
> I think Richard should close certain letters with a 'sniff' to
> emphasize when he intends to snub or not.
> Personally, I now have my dream car, but I often think of how
> it could be better if I took all my luxury money and gave it away
> to charity, as many do.
> John A.
Received on Thu Nov 08 2001 - 15:40:50 GMT

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