Zenith Data Systems Z-386 SX/20 Free in NJ

From: Chris <mythtech_at_Mac.com>
Date: Thu Nov 8 15:45:41 2001

>The internet is a big place. Don't give up so easily. Most often if you
>don't find results, your search terms need refining.

I didn't turn up anything useful on my first google search. I fully admit
that I could have spent far more time looking, and probably would have
found what I needed. But the machine is/was of next to no value to me, so
it simply wasn't worth my time to look beyond my first search. (kind of
the idea that when sheetrocking a wall, if you drop a screw, it is more
cost efficient to get a new one from your pouch then to get off the
scaffold and find the one you dropped... for me, it was more cost
efficient to throw out the machine, then to take another 15 minutes
searching for the info I needed. This would have been a totally different
situation if it has been at least a 486, but 386 and less machines can
only be used for one job for me now, and I have a stock pile of them

However, someone else on this list sent me the key combo as well, so the
machine has been salvaged (it was about 10 minutes away from being
stripped, since there had been no one that wanted it, I was going to
finish bundling some cables, then I was going to need my bench space back
to work on more important equipment).

I feel better saving it. I always feel guilty when I throw out an
otherwise fully working machine simply because I have to watch the bottom
line at work (if I wasn't on a tight time crunch to clear some office
space, I would have put it to the side for a slow day when I could have
taken more time to try and fix it... but that putting to the side of
systems is what has burried me under parts that need to be fixed or
evaluated, so right now, I have to stick to the mentality of fix it or
throw it, so old systems are getting tossed right now if they cause me to
have to spend more than about 10 minutes working on them)


Received on Thu Nov 08 2001 - 15:45:41 GMT

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