Atari ST cartridge port

From: <(>
Date: Thu Nov 8 17:57:11 2001

The cart port on the st series wasn't much used at all. The only things I
can think of that used it were the MagicSac type Macintosh upgrade and
some hacks that allow you to run a Parallel port ethernet interface (the
cart port serves to provide a couple of lines the Printer port is



In <f05001900b81009b13abc_at_[]>, on 11/08/01
   at 05:07 AM, Jeff Hellige <> said:

>>Does anyone know where one might get a hold of 2 mm spaced (not 2,54 mm) card-
>>edge connectors? The Atari ST cartridge port is using that spacing, which
>>doesn't seem very popular.

> There don't seem to be that many cartridges for it either. The only one
>I have is a VT100 emulation cart.

> Jeff

Jeffrey S. Worley
Asheville, NC USA
Received on Thu Nov 08 2001 - 17:57:11 GMT

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