
From: Geoff Reed <>
Date: Fri Nov 9 00:47:35 2001

At 04:45 PM 11/8/01 -0500, you wrote:
>>Makes Nutella seem like a wholesome product. =)
>At the risk of sounding like Homer Simpson... Oooohh... Nutella...
>I've had it once, and that is some *fantastic* stuff...
>*Still* trying to get my uncle to send me some from Deutschland. I ask
>only rarely (because I forget to "pester" him) and he forgets to bring
>some back when he comes (he usually comes back to the states once or twice
>a year...). :-(

I get my Nutella here at Fred Meyer or several other local grocery stores..
(in washington)
Received on Fri Nov 09 2001 - 00:47:35 GMT

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