
From: Chris Kennedy <>
Date: Fri Nov 9 10:59:34 2001

Chad Fernandez wrote:

> What is vegemite? I have never heard of it.

The food of the gods or one of the foulest tasting substances
on the planet, depending on who you ask. It's also, in effect,
a wonderful example of "waste stream utilization".

Vegemite is a dark brown pasty substance with a modestly stiff
consistency. Looks a lot like shoe polish. It's concentrated
yeast extract; the ingredients list read "Yeast extract, salt,
mineral salt, malt extract, natural colour, vegetable extract,
thiamine, riboflavin, niacin".

The most common way to eat this stuff is to spread a thin layer
on buttered toast, but I've developed a sufficient immunity
as to slather the stuff on. It's also used in cooking, although
I've yet to try any such dish and somehow the thought of
Vegemite soup ranks right up there with a five-course meal of uni.

Chris Kennedy
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Received on Fri Nov 09 2001 - 10:59:34 GMT

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