Clearly OT (but what the hell...) (was: food

From: Roger Merchberger <>
Date: Sat Nov 10 09:43:57 2001

Rumor has it that Douglas Quebbeman may have mentioned these words:

>Worked for a publishing company, and one of the VP's played
>the pipes. He'd go up on the roof of the building at lunch
>at least once a week to play.
>While returning from an early lunch, I was approaching the
>building, enjoying his jamming, when an older women exiting
>the building heard the sound, looked up, then looked at me
>and said "My, I do *love* the sound of the saxophone"...


Probably the "oddest" thing I've ever experienced is when I went to Germany
back in '91 -- I was stationed in Oerbke <sp?> north of Hannover about 50
clicks, in the "british" sector of what was divvied up Deutschland at the
time. I was in a German gasthaus (bar/pub) in Fallingbostel drinking beer
(German, of course) & playing cards with my buddy. The cards were given to
us by the Brits (nice folks!) but were made in Spain. In comes a Scot in
full kilt & uniform with bagpipes, and he played for around an hour -- the
last thing he played before he left was "Yankee Doodle" for the visiting
Americans... :-)

Was most definitely the *most* multiculturally diverse moment in my life...

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Received on Sat Nov 10 2001 - 09:43:57 GMT

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