Well, tonight I made another small step with my NeXT systems.
I have both my Cube and my slab at home now and was working on the
slab since I had gotten so much further with the Cube while it was in
my office. Tonight on the slab I got both DHCP and POP3 email
retrieval working while connected to my G3 using Surfdoubler. I
forgot at first that I needed to modify Popover in order to send
mail, though I know it works because I've already done it on the
Cube. Web sites don't look quite right when viewed using Omniweb,
but hey it works! I also have Caper running on both systems so they
can be connected to Appletalk networks. Now all I have to do is
finally get around to taking the NeXT laserprinter apart and
replacing it's main feed roller and extraction gear.
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Received on Sat Nov 10 2001 - 21:42:25 GMT