Without going too far out on a limb, Xenix is a 16bit xnix clone from MS.
Should run fine on your 286 with 4mb. I don't really know what the ram
requirements are, but it shouldn't be dramatic in the least.
A hotel chain I work with still uses it in it's satellite network. Seems
to work well for them but I haven't been inside it since those machines
are handled by another contractor.
In <OF0ABE6D6B.960829C8-ON80256B01.0030AE92_at_sandwell.plus.com>, on
at 09:05 AM, Richard.Sandwell_at_roebry.co.uk said:
>I have an Apricot Xen 'mainframe' which is a 286 based msdos generic from
>1986. Its not ibm compatible. Comically, it does have a copy of Windows
>V1 on its disk which runs, well, like all versions of windows ;-) Its
>role was a fileserver for an ms-net network, hence the awful 'mainframe'
>name. I've always been intrigued that there was a port of xenix
>available for this machine - anyone know anything about that, or about
>xenix on a 286 based system in general?
Jeffrey S. Worley
Asheville, NC USA
Received on Sun Nov 11 2001 - 21:41:19 GMT