ISIS & CP/M for MDS 225 series3

From: Mike <>
Date: Sun Nov 11 21:50:50 2001

From: Joe <>

> I've had to dispose of all my classic computer stuff including the
> MDS. I also had an original DRI CPM disk that *should* have worked on the
> Intel MDS but I never tried it. I gave the MDS, all the manuals and SW and
> that disk to Mike Haas, who is also on this list. You may be able to get
> copies from him. Besides the CPM disk I also had a complete set of ISIS
> assembler, PL/M and, I think, Fortran for the MDS. I think there may have
> been a copy of ISIS III in there too but I'm not sure. It's my

Yup, I now have that system. Thanks Joe! I've got all the Isis II stuff
you mention above but still cannot find any Isis III disks and would be glad
to help anyone out with their system with any info/software I have

- Mike:
Received on Sun Nov 11 2001 - 21:50:50 GMT

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