VAX (Was: Cromemco landmarks)

From: Carlini, Antonio <>
Date: Mon Nov 12 11:23:47 2001

>Ethan Dicks wrote:
>--- "Carlini, Antonio" <> wrote:
>> Yes. But although there were part numbers
>> produced for MicroVAX II CPU modules
>> *without* the FPU, I don't think *any* were
>> ever shipped.
>Not even for VAXeln?

        AFAIK, no M7606 modules shipped
        without an FPU. I don't have them handy but
        IIRC there were four part numbers, two
        with FPU and two without (the other
        "variable" was something like the
        manufacturer for the on-board memory or
        some such). None of the non-FPU
        parts shipped (I'm not sure whether
        any were built for testing).

        Other bits of kit almost certainly shipped
        without an FPU: for example, I've
        just had a look at some preliminary
        DEMSA schematics and I can see
        no FPU. I would expect that other
        "dedicated" kit (LPS printers,
        various X-terminals etc) also
        dispensed with the FPU if it
        was not necessary.

Received on Mon Nov 12 2001 - 11:23:47 GMT

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