Lifting stuff into racks

From: <(>
Date: Mon Nov 12 20:54:18 2001

For heavy things that *have* to be at the top of a 6-foot rack (like
a front-loading tape drive), my recipe is:

1. Put the rack down on its side.
2. Put the tape drive down on its side, on top of some blocks of wood
    to align the holes with the rack.
3. Put similar-height blocks of wood in the rack.
4. Slide tape drive into rack, bolt it in.
5. Tilt rack up.

Admittedly, step #5 there may not be easy, but at least as the rack stands
more straight up you do less *lifting* and more *pushing*.

Incredibly important thing when doing #5: make sure the rack isn't going
to roll out away from you as you stand it up!

Received on Mon Nov 12 2001 - 20:54:18 GMT

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