Decided to have a poke about on IRCnet - talk about faff trying to
connect. I eventually found one server that let me on, which promptly
timed me out after about 2 mins.
If I might make a suggestion... :&)
...OpenProjects.net might be a better place for the channel (then again,
I am biased being staff at opn). It's a smaller network than IRCnet
(around 4500 users), primarily aimed at the techie community
(writing/using/support for opensource software and the general like). I
think classiccmp would fit right in :&)
OPN has servers all over the world, with major hubs in the UK (for
europe), Australia and the US.
If anyone's intrested:
hogan.openprojects.net (UK server - my machine :&)
I've created and registered #classiccmp if anyone wants to join me there
-- Matt
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Received on Tue Nov 13 2001 - 16:17:11 GMT