
From: Iggy Drougge <optimus_at_canit.se>
Date: Tue Nov 13 19:21:22 2001

I visited a shop in "Siberia" which I hadn't visited in a long time today.
they had redecorated, and in the inner-most room, they had a "50% off" shelf.
They had several sealed packs of eight-inch floppies, BASF-made. Their price?
Five crowns! And then fifty percent off that, that's 2,50, or 25 US cents. I
got two to begin with (I only had some change, and wans't aware that the
discount was referring to the 5 kr merchandise. I also got some Token Ring
NICs, a TR cable and a sealed case of 5?" DD floppies at the same price.
Some things I did't get:
A lot of WANG things; several ISA cards with BNC and TNC connectors, printer
adaptors (boxes with BNC and Centronics connectors), baluns.
Original Novell NE2000 cards. Bad cards, but nice to some collectors, I
suppose, and useful for programmers.
Odd PhoneNet concentrators.

En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
IRAQ, 10984 GHz, V
Getting TV from Iraq at all is kinda cool - you can get propaganda in English
at 1900 BST, and see the guy with the moustache almost any time. When they
show anime it's even cooler...
  Geoff Cowie
Received on Tue Nov 13 2001 - 19:21:22 GMT

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