One Without Reason skrev:
>On Tue, 13 Nov 2001, M H Stein wrote:
>> Don Maslin wrote:
>> > Somehow, I am inclined to question if there was a Z-80 version of Xenix
>> > and, if not, then there was none for the Model II.
>> The only OS that came close to Unix for 8 bit micros was OS/9 for the
>> 6809 and
>> Don't forget Z80 Cromix...
>And ELKS, and MINIX.
On the Z80 or 6809 (I know some Motorola coders consider the x86 an eight-bit
processor, but... ;-)?
OTOH, there's UZIX as well as Lunix.
En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
Allt ?r under kontroll, och caps lock ?r bredvid.
Received on Tue Nov 13 2001 - 19:46:48 GMT