Fw: Control Data Cyber 960 rescue interest?

From: James B. DiGriz <jbdigriz_at_dragonsweb.org>
Date: Wed Nov 14 10:05:07 2001

Douglas Quebbeman wrote:

>>That's a photo of a 180, which he also has (or was it a 170?) and is
>>working on getting running. The console in the photo I posted was for the
>>960, which you can't see in the background.
> My understanding was that 180 was the series designation, 960
> was the model designation. In the 170 series they went about as
> far as 170/855 before they essentially dropped the series
> designation.
> -dq

That's my understanding as well, but I really need to some more homework
on CDC's and will be the first to admit my relative ignorance.

As regards any rescue efforts, I want to implore everyone not to besiege
hapless admins in the Ga. University System with requests for
information, machines, etc. USG cannot sell or transfer state property
itself. We should be grateful for any support they can lend a rescue
effort, but all this has to go through the state Dept. of Adminstrative
Services, so let's don't put our friends behind the eight-ball, ok?

I want to thank those parties who have offered a home, but my best guess
and my gut instinct is that it's going to take the governor's approval
and maybe an act of the legislature to take the 960 out of the state. If
you're playing at that level, you're way ahead of me here.

Freankly, I'd rather it stay here myself. That doesn't mean it can't be
a resource for everyone, though. As I said, I'll be putting up a list
shortly to coordinate activity. I especially encourage my fellow
Georgians to step forward, and I thank those who have already.

Received on Wed Nov 14 2001 - 10:05:07 GMT

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