(fwd) Ataris _at_ The Alternative Party

From: Iggy Drougge <optimus_at_canit.se>
Date: Wed Nov 14 20:18:16 2001

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From: Kristoffer Lawson <setok_at_fishpool.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
Subject: Ataris _at_ The Alternative Party
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 18:08:49 +0000 (UTC)
Organization: Fishpool Creations Ltd
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Just a quick note about the rather neat computer party we're organising:

The Alternative Party is basically about collecting a wide variety
of alternative demo platforms together into an event for people who love
machines with personality, and who are trying to create demos with them.
Previously we've seen Falcons, Amigas, C64s, a Vectrex, a Commodore
PET, a Telmac, Spectrums, UNIX workstations etc. etc. We are also combining
all of this with experimental and alternative art. Some artists who will be
playing live at the 3-day event: Pnmf!, Tero M?yr?nen (plays live music with
synths and a C64), Telamurska, Happo, Analogia, No I Aint.

It will take place in Helsinki, Finland from the 11th of January to the 13th.
For more information contact me or visit the website,
http://www.altparty.org/ (check the archive for an invitro from Wildfire
for the Falcon!).

In addition, we've set up an area for collecting together information about
cool machines and interesting art, or the "Alternative Wiki". Absolutely
anybody can contribute information to it by clicking "Edit Text" at the
bottom of any page, and add new pages freely. If there are people here who
would like to contribute, please do! The Alternative Wiki can be found at

Hope to see some of you there.

Kristoffer Lawson | Setok / Aggression | Main Alternative Party organiser
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Received on Wed Nov 14 2001 - 20:18:16 GMT

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